Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

Founded in 1981, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organisation based in Denmark. The Foundation has members in 81 countries worldwide, making it the largest international network in the fields of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is mainly active through five programmes:


Blue Flag is one the world’s most recognised voluntary eco-labels awarded to beaches, marinas and sustainable boating tourism operators. It is designed to raise environmental awareness and increase good environmental practices among tourists, local populations and beach and marina management and staff. In order to qualify for the Blue Flag, a series of stringent environmental, educational, safety and accessibility criteria must be met and maintained.

Green Key is an international programme and eco-label awarded to accommodations and other hospitality facilities (hotels, hostels, small accommodations, campsites, holiday parks, conference centres, restaurants and attractions) that commit to sustainable business practices.

Young Reporters for the Environment is an international programme and competition that gives young people aged 11 to 25 the opportunity to research and take action on sustainable development issues they feel strongly about through investigative reporting, photography and video journalism. More information on the programme in Switzerland can be found here: (website link to the JMP website)

Learning About Forests (LEAF) is a school programme that advocates outdoor learning and hands-on experiences which result in the pupils getting a deeper and more involved understanding of the natural world. The programme aims to reconnect young people with their forested environment and to instil in them a sense of ownership of their natural surroundings.

Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme and the subject of the present website.


FEE is recognised by UNESCO and UNEP as a world-leader within the fields of Environmental Education and ESD.


Since 2015, J’aime ma Planète is a member of FEE and responsible for developing its programmes in Switzerland. The YRE and Eco-Schools programmes are now available in Switzerland!

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